關於我們 About us






Over time, as the world changes, the promotion of traditional Chinese cultural values and the transmission of knowledge have gradually diminished in the social channels of Hong Kong and Macau.

In 2024, a group of traditional Chinese culture enthusiasts from Hong Kong and Macau gathered to discuss the current issues surrounding the inheritance of Chinese culture in Hong Kong and Macau. In order to promote traditional Chinese culture and values to citizens from all walks of life in Hong Kong and Macau, they decided to establish the "The Cultural Association of Cidade Santo Nome e Noto" (ACCSNN).

The association aims to promote traditional Chinese culture to citizens from all walks of life through organized activities and to cultivate the younger generation in order to revive traditional Chinese culture and its values.

We believes in the unique potential within each individual to promote and contribute to the enrichment of Chinese culture, which spans thousands of years. Each person has the ability to make their own contribution to the preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese culture.


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